Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I think of you often

it may come as a surprise to you,
but i think of you often,
often enough.

often enough to make a picture in my head,
of how you'd look getting out of bed,
bare feet in your undies,
scratching the back of your head,
stifling a yawn, smiling mid-way,
pleased with yourself for no good reason
i think of you often.

i still remember your scent,
i don't know why it never gets out of my head,
whenever a guy walks by smelling like that,
i often look back just to be sure
you haven't come back to life.

i think of you often...

i remember the feel of your beard at the end of the day,
the way you'd rub your face against mine,
so we would share the annoyance of how fast it grew back..

i think of you often my dear!


G said...

I love this piece!! its beautiful!

Kayb said...

Haiya, hu this b?